Welcome to our Ferreries School Comenius Blog!!!

Our project name is Continental Castle CapEUrs!. Continental Castle CapEUrs is an imaginative. cross curricular, collaborative project with an emphasis on developing language learning, Knowledge, communication, respect and cooperation between pupils and teachers in France, Germany, Northern Ireland and Spain.
The participants in our current Comenius project are: Northern Ireland (Coordinator), Germany, France and Spain.

Comenius 2009-2011

dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2011

Project Spreading

During the development of the project we disseminated our activities in the local society using different mass media. We published some events in our local newspaper and in our local television. Moreover, twice a year we published our daily project activities in the school magazine. Here, you can see some examples of the piece of news that appeared in the regional newspaper called L'EBRE and an example of the Comenius page in the school magazine.

dimarts, 28 de juny del 2011

May 2011. Comenius Meeting in Allensbach (Germany)

Last May we did our last Comenius meeting 2009-2011. The final meeting was in Allensbach (Germany), a small town near the Constance Lake. The last meeting had the aim to make the assessment of the project and the last activities. We could learn different things about the German Educational System. We had a lunch to say bye-bye to all the partners. We will continue in touch to share experiences. Here you can see some photographs summarizing the trip!!!

dimecres, 11 de maig del 2011

March 2011. Invitations.

We wrote an invitation in our own language to a medieval wedding. Here you can see some photos while we were writing the menus and the invitations.

January/February 2011. Princess/Knight Diary

Through dolls we discovered a week in the life of a child in each country. We made a poster and sent to each country. We included home, school and community life. This provided information about the culture and traditions within each country too.

dilluns, 2 de maig del 2011

December 2010. Christmas Traditions

We shared with our school partners one of the most common traditions in Catalunya: El Tronc de Nadal. Three, four and five year old puplis participated in this Christmas tradition. Besides, we added a traditional story whcih was translated to English. Here you can see our Christmas Traditions!!!

November 2010. Comenius Meeting in Belfast (Northern Ireland).

Last November 2010 we went to Belfast to assist to the third meeting Comenius 2009-2011. We visited Santa Teresa's Primary School, which is the project coordinator school.
The welcome in the school was brilliant. We have got an excellent relationship with all the partner schools. That why all the teachers and pupils in the school were happy with our visit and they prepared a lot of activities for us.
Here you can see some photos about our wonderful time in Belfast!!!

dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011

November 2010. Ghosts and Pumpkins Poems and Landscapes.

During Halloween, in the Art class, we made landscapes related to castles. We invented Halloween poems. After we published all the materials in the School Magazine. Here you can see the School Magazine page.